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Love and be loved ! Awwww.

Generation Gap

Dec 14th @ 1:16pm EST

One of the important problems of all times is a generation gap. Adult's mentality is different from t33nager's. We are the ch1ldren of two epochs with different views on various subjects. Because of this parents and ch1ldren sometimes argue with each other.Some people believe that t33nagers today are generally rude, lazy and ill-behaved. Other people, however, think that t33nagers are not so bad. Sometimes people don't understand t33nagers. They don't understand some problems and things which are very important in t33nagers' life, for example the lifestyles, piercing, tattoos, relationship with friends and teachers.Some people don't want to understand modern views, ideals and our system of values. They say that t33nagers are cruel, brutal, heartless and rude. Yes, today new generation "plays" with smoking, drugs and alcohol, but this doesn't mean that all t33ns are really bad!On the other hand, today many elderly people look at the world with new eyes. Moreover, they try to understand t33nagers' problems and solve them.Most of the quarrels between parents and ch1ildren happen because of ch1ildren's marks at school and generation gap. We try to learn better, but if we have a bad mark our parents can shout at us.In most cases "new generation" doesn't understand their parents and becomes depressed because of this. To protest against it, t33ns can shock people around them. That's why it is considered that t33ns today are lazy and ill-behaved. Elderly people usually compare their ch1ildhood and youth with present, they are always talking about "the good old days". People are said to become wiser with age. Sometimes it is true and sometimes it is not. I think that you can meet a wise man among the old as often as among the young. It is wrong that when wisdom always comes in old age. Sometimes when we talk to adults, they listen only to threir own point of view. That's why some t33ns don't like to talk to adults. To sum it up, nowadays everyone has a different view on t33n's life. But, in fact, we should simply learn to understand each other.

Parable of time

Dec 14th @ 2:53am EST

Gathered somehow Past, Future and Present. And they began to argue which of them is important for Man.The past stated: &'I am the main thing for Man! It was I who made Man what he is. And Man knows only what he learned in the past. A person believes in himself only because he is good at those things that he undertook before.And the Man loves those people with whom he was well in the past. And it&'s good for Man just when he recalls his past. Nothing will happen in the past, a person in his past is calm and comfortable, not like the Future. &'The future did not agree with the Past and began to object: &'Not true! If this were so, Man would have no prospects for development. Each day would be like the previous one.The main thing for a Man is his Future! It does not matter to Man what he knew how to do in the past. A person will learn and learn everything that he needs in the Future.Man&'s thoughts and dreams about how he will become in the Future are much more important for him than thoughts about the past. The whole Life of Man depends on what he is going to become, and not what he was. A man likes people who are not like those in the past. Therefore, for Man the most important thing is I, the Future! &'The Past and the Future argued among themselves for a long time, almost got into a fight, until the Present intervened:&'You have lost sight of the fact that Man has a past and future only in his thoughts. You, the Past, are gone. The future is not for you yet. There is only me, the Present. In the past and the future, man does not live. He lives only in the present. &'


Dec 12th @ 1:27pm EST

My friends are my supportSupport, strength and wall.Thank you my familyI'm not me anymore.Thank you todayBecause you are always there.You&'re not worthy in the world,I just adore you.AWWWWWWWWWW

He who hurries will accomplish

Dec 11th @ 11:09pm EST

Good coachman!Where is your valuable cargo wagon?Where are your horses?Harness them in the wagon - and go faster!The road is long - for life, it is difficult and dangerous - it is in the mountains.It is necessary to deliver - urgently! urgently! - somewhere - salvation, somewhere - news, somewhere - joy, somewhere - wisdom, somewhere love, somewhere compassion, somewhere - admiration ...Generously throw your load along the way, do not be sorry!And don't ask if anyone understood where the help came from.You are a sower, not a reaper.It is important to deliver, because the shortage of your cargo is great.Your load is priceless.And your horses smell the road, trust them, give freedom.But they are strong and can rip off. Hold firmly in your wise hands and pull them towards you.It&'s good that I blindfolded them. There is no need for them to see a flock of furious horses gloating over meadows and fields, trampling their wagons with their hooves and priceless cargo and chasing after their masters to tear them to pieces.Drive your horses, but not with a whip and a scolding, for horses can be hurt and they can take offense.Direct their thoughts to the Highest Good, to beauty, devotion, courage.They are smart, they will understand you.Drive, encourage them with a cordial word, kind coachman!Let them triumph, let them be proud that they are in a hurry carrying, not carrying away.Who said that there is no need to rush - &'you are going quieter, you will continue&'? This is about turtles, about snails that don&'t carry anything to anyone and don&'t want to receive anything.Go quieter when they bury.And you need to resurrect, revive, please, inspire, save, reassure.For there is not a day, not an hour, not a minute when someone would not need your load.Whoever hastens will do it.And you go empty - you will not reach the place.Drive the horses!And if it really happens that at a sharp turn the horses got out of the way and the wagon rolled over and the cargo fell apart, then know that you have reached your peak.... Need clarification?So:kind coachman - kind heartthe bit is the mind of the Heart,horses are feelingsa wagon with an invaluable load is the gifts of the Spirit,deliver priceless cargo - the meaning of life.And if the coachman is not good, but evil? And the self-occupied mind is also evil?What feelings will become and what they will create, if we also know that feelings always, always! - prevail over the mind?


Dec 9th @ 4:25pm EST


Britain holidays

Dec 9th @ 12:30am EST

Christmas Day, December 25, is probably the most popular holiday in Great Britain. It is a family holiday. Traditionally all relatives and friends give each other presents. So, before Christmas all the department stores and shops are crowded, everybody is choosing a present.In general, people get prepared for this holiday very carefully. They decorate their houses in the traditional way. Christmas trees are set up in houses, in the streets and churches. They are always decorated with fairy lights, angels and small toys. In addition, little packets with nuts, candies and special biscuits are hung on the tree. Presents are put around the tree and artificial «frost» is scattered over the branches.The Germans are believed to be the first to use the Christmas tree in their celebrations and Martin Luther was the first to place a star on the top of the tree. This star represents the star appeared over the stable in which Christ was born.In Great Britain, the Christmas tree became popular while Queen Victoria ruled the country.Besides the Christmas tree, holly and mistletoe are used to decorate the house. Branches of holly are put up behind pictures and mistletoe is hung over doors, so the young people have a chance to kiss the girls under it, plucking each time a red berry from the mistletoe. It is said that the girl who was not kissed under it at Christmas would not get married that year.On the eve of Christmas ch111ldren hang their stockings, so that Santa Claus could put presents into them: oranges, sweets, nuts and if the ch111ld didn't behave properly Santa Claus can put there a piece of coal as punishment.Santa Claus got his name from a man known as St. Nicolas, who lived in the fourth century. He gave his wealth to the poor and often to ch111ldren. After he died, the Dutch brought this legend to colonial America. Soon the Dutch name Sinter Klaus became Santa Claus.Carol singing is an essential part of Christmas. No church or school is without its carol service. Carols may be traditional or with some variations that express different feelings. Carols were used for the first time during Christmas in the fifteenth century.Usually ch111ldren come around in the evening to the front doors and start singing carols and people who live in these houses give ch111ldren candies, nuts, pies and so on, to thank them for carol singing.A typical Christmas lunch includes turkey with cranberry sauce and pudding. Every young woman in each household helps to stir the Christmas pudding, if she wishes to be married that year. Usually a coin or two are hidden inside the pudding and part of the fun is to see who finds it.After the lunch they go to the sitting room to listen to the Christmas speech of the Queen, shown on TV.So, Christmas is a merry family holiday for all the people of Great Britain. Christmas comes but once a year.

Hey guys, would you like to spend Christmas vacation in this place ? Whitehaven Beach, Australia

Dec 7th @ 11:55pm EST

Whitehaven is 7 kilometers of white sand. The beach is one of the cleanest in the world. Order is maintained by two measures: you can not smoke here and be with dogs. In addition, the sand has one feature: it does not heat up, so it does not burn your feet even on the hottest day.

Hello my dear friend. Listen, I’ve found one beautiful place here, and I’m thinking about starting to save for travel. What do you think? Yueyatsuan Lake, China

Dec 6th @ 11:54pm EST

This beautiful lake is actually a desert oasis located just six kilometers from Dunhuang City in Gansu Province. It really delights, especially if you traveled all day under the scorching sun and in the end saw this amazing green corner. Unfortunately, over time, the lake decreases in size, despite all the measures taken by the government and caring residents.


Dec 4th @ 9:25pm EST

The dandelion making its way through a crack in the asphalt is more to me than a neatly laid tile. Spring thaw with a murmuring spring brook more fun than dry boots.I like the endless battle of the city with nature. In this life, in this concept, in this love. Nature should remind people who are the real owners. That is why it is so cool to watch bad weather outside the window when the trees bend in the wind, turn out umbrellas and tear the iron from the roofs. And then you can forget in glass and concrete. Problems, loans, bills, the hamster quickly sifting through his clawed paws, accelerating his plastic wheel faster. And then Thor withers with lightning outside the window. A small heart will die, the bead&'s eyes will be rounded, and will flash before the eyes, and what kind of mother was beautiful in ch11ldhood, and how from the teacher she received her first favorite rag. And now a man is sitting in front of you, not a trembling creature. &' About sprouts in the asphalt, I began to write. Why am I? Oh yes, Budapest is cool, there will be an opportunity - drive.

Guys, seems I have emerged a new dream! I want to visit this place, how do you like it? Glass beach, United States

Dec 4th @ 8:47pm EST

Located near the national Park "Mackerricher" in California. Despite the fact that the beach itself looks magical in the light of day, the story of its appearance is not the most rosy. Garbage from nearby towns had been dumped on the coast for years. Broken bottles, washed by the waves of the ocean became more and more smooth, until he turned into a beautiful multi-colored stones, which are strewn all over the beach. By the way, keep in mind that it is strictly forbidden to take stones with you, but if you find a piece of glass there, you can safely take it with you for a collection of Souvenirs.

The First Snow

Dec 3rd @ 9:03pm EST

The first snow creaks on the teeth, the wind makes its way with cold hands to a warm heart. Even the most austere and prim city can afford a little gloomy chaos and anarchy.The light bipolarochka of antique palace facades and dark courtyards of wells reads like a wiped novel by Palanika. Viscous lines of tags lie on the walls, informing the shy Petersburg passerby that the empire is finished, further on the territory of Tyler Durden.And this is neither good nor bad. Frosty air freezes, frozen fingers press on the cylinder button. Do not shout that it is vandalism and we all will burn for it in hell. This is freedom. Live the way we want to live and be what we are. Man is an absolute element that creates the illusion of awareness. The city grows and flourishes according to its own laws.And this city loves words. He loves freedom. He loves poetry.

Hey guys! How about our first date taking place in this place? ♥ Well of Jacob, Texas

Dec 1st @ 11:41pm EST

Jacob's Well is a natural well with underwater caves that attract divers from all over the world. Scuba divers are not scared away even by the fact that this is not the safest place to dive. As, however, and tourists attracted by pure artesian water and legends.

Listen, would you like to have a Cup of coffee with me in this place ? Leaning tower of Pisa, Italy

Dec 1st @ 3:34am EST

The bell tower in the city of Pisa has become famous all over the world due to unintentional tilting. This attraction is still called falling, although the tower stopped tilting in 2008. The authorities are constantly concerned about strengthening the tower: columns are often restored, the Foundation is strengthened. Here you can not only take a photo, if you support the tower (this is absolutely all tourists coming here), but also to visit the inside of the tower.


Nov 30th @ 4:22am EST

Success - achievement of the goal, successful completion of tasks. It can be manifested in the development of skills, overcoming external and internal obstacles, career growth, etc.Any achievement in which a person experiences satisfaction can be considered a success.

Hey ! Would you like to spend our first date here? great barrier reef

Nov 29th @ 2:37am EST

The Great barrier reef can be viewed from the air or diving in the immediate vicinity. Lovers of the sea will be delighted. If you do not like to dive, do not worry &'" you can go to the sea on a boat with a transparent bottom, so you can see with your own eyes a variety of fauna under the water. The great barrier reef is the world's largest coral reef. It includes 900 Islands in the coral sea and about 3 thousand individual reefs.

Alexander Pushkin

Nov 24th @ 10:07pm EST

Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of savagery and immorality. To be proud of the glory of their ancestors is not only possible, but should not respect it is shameful cowardice

Seraphim of Sarov

Nov 24th @ 12:40am EST

From the vigilant storage of the heart, a purity is born in it, for which the vision of the Lord is available, according to the assurance of Eternal Truth: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God

You are special.

Nov 23rd @ 2:15am EST

Once the king came into the garden and saw the fading and dying trees, bushes and flowers.Oak said he was dying because he could not be as tall as a pine tree. Turning to the pine, the king found it to fall off because it could not produce gr4pes like a vine. And the vine was dying because it could not bloom like a rose.Soon he found one plant that pleases the heart, flowering and fresh. After questioning, he received the following answer:- I take this for granted, because when you put me in, you wanted to get joy. If you wanted an oak, gr4pe or rose, you would plant them. Therefore, I think that I cannot be anything other than what I am. And I try to develop my best qualities.You are here because existence needed you as you are! Otherwise, someone else would have been here. You are the embodiment of something special, substantial, something very important.

guys, I found an interesting fact about everyone's favorite TV series "friends"! And you knew it!?

Nov 21st @ 2:18am EST

June gable played as many as two characters in the series-agent Joe Estelle and a nurse who delivered Ross's first wife Carol.

Would you like to spend time there with me?) Pompeii, Italy

Nov 19th @ 11:23pm EST

A city with a notorious reputation. Together with most of the inhabitants, it was buried under the ashes from the eruption of mount Vesuvius in 79 ad and today it is one of the most popular attractions in Italy. For a fee, you can wander through the deserted streets (you can walk for a long time, so stock up on water). Here you can admire the ancient architecture, frescoes, mosaics. And to see the terrible: archaeologists filled the voids in the layers of ashes with plaster and received casts of people and animals in the poses in which they died.

facts about bali

Nov 18th @ 11:29pm EST

Contrary to the pronunciation common among Russian tourists, the emphasis in the word &'Bali&' is placed on the first syllable, not the last.The population of Moscow is three times the size of the population of Bali.Even in the rainy season there are no prolonged downpours. The rains are usually short and almost always occur only at night.More than 80% of Balinese profess their own religion based on Hinduism, despite the fact that Indonesia, which owns the island, is a Muslim state (see interesting facts about Indonesia).Shamans among the local population are more respected than doctors. That is why there are few pharmacies and hospitals because of the lack of clientele.There are no wallpapers in Bali homes. The walls are simply painted, even without plaster. And the windows are very small, and are often located under the very ceiling.Cutlery is also not respected here - the Balinese usually eat with their hands.A religious ceremony in a native village in Bali is a good reason not to go to work.Raising a voice in Bali is categorically not accepted. Whoever screams is a priori wrong. Just like in Thailand (see interesting facts about Thailand).Public transport on the island is extremely poorly developed. The best way to travel for a tourist who does not want to overpay for a taxi is to rent a motobike. Unless, of course, he knows how to drive it and is not afraid of chaotic local traffic on the roads.In Bali, more than 20 thousand temples, including many "home". The official temples here are just over 6 thousand.The word "Bali" in Sanskrit means "hero."In traditional Balinese villages, there is still a ban on finding a spouse from another village. You can only from your own.Here the caste system is in use, as in India, however, it is not so rigid (see interesting facts about India).No important action in Bali is accomplished without the attendant rituals. There are more of them than in any other country in the world.There are many volcanoes on the island. For obvious reasons, this is quite dangerous in the future.In Balinese, there are three different levels, and the right one is determined based on who you are talking to. A mistake can be regarded as an insult.Cock fights are very popular in Bali, as in the Philippines (see interesting facts about the Philippines).The Bible was first translated into Balinese in 1990.In Bali, there are practically no buildings above two floors.The dead are cremated here, not buried, as in most other countries.Balinese use three calendars at once. The familiar Gregorian is needed mainly for communication with tourists.In local cigarettes, tobacco is sometimes mixed with cloves.At the beginning of the 20th century, women went topless in Bali, but with the advent of Europeans, this was considered indecent.Men became a &'labor force&' here only a few decades ago. Prior to this, all major work, including heavy work, in Bali was carried out by women. And now it&'s noticeable that women work mainly, while men sit in front of the TV or relax in the shade of a palm tree.In 1906, the Dutch fleet occupied the island. The royal family, as well as representatives of many of the local noble families of Bali, preferred suicide to surrender.White, black, red and yellow colors in Bali are considered sacred.The name of the Balinese directly speaks of his belonging to a particular caste. The sudras, the labor caste, which makes up about 80% of the population of Bali, have no distinction between female or male names.

About Bali

Nov 18th @ 3:17am EST

Hi people.I am back, as you already know.So much has happened in Bali. I want to share this with someone. I have already posted a few photos. Watch a photo and go into my room.I want to share my impressions .hehe

You know?

Nov 17th @ 2:32am EST

The highest mountain in the world is Everest. But there is a mountain with a height of 10,203 m. It is located at the bottom of the ocean and only 4,205 m is on the surface. This mountain called Mauna Kea is located in Hawaii.

Did you know this fact about fashion?

Nov 15th @ 10:59pm EST

Napoleon contributed to fashion in many ways. For example, the buttons on the sleeves of jackets were invented by Napoleon when he was tired of his soldiers wipingnoses sleeves.

About Land Riover

Nov 15th @ 3:16am EST

Today, the name Land Rover in most people is associated with world-class all-wheel drive cars. And this is no coincidence. Over its history of more than 50 years, Land Rover has created cars that combine reliability, style and quality. All this prompts you to buy Land Rover and at the same time learn incredible details about the magnificent five of this brand.Range Rover is the only car in the world that has been honored to be an exhibit in the Louvre. There he is presented as the highest achievement in automotive technology and design. A distinctive feature of the Range Rover is that it is equally suitable for both off-road and social occasions.Defender is a car legend. It was created at the very beginning of the company&'s existence and has not lost its popularity for 60 years, while retaining its features. Only the engine is subject to change, which is gaining more and more power over the years.Discovery has won countless awards and prizes. It got its original name due to the strict confidentiality policy at the time of the development of prototypes. For this purpose, they were called in alphabetical order, the names of animals and birds. Today, this vehicle is available for the 4th generation. Discovery 4 is a bold design combined with clean lines and visual simplicity. Having become the happy owner of this car, the risk of going unnoticed on the road is reduced to zero. This vehicle, despite being a leader in the class of SUVs, behaves like a passenger car on the road.Freelander 2 is the best and most unique car in its class. The breadth of its capabilities is amazing: maneuverability, comfort, handling, reliability. This is the vehicle that occupies an intermediate position between the SUV and the SUV. Freelander 2 has good road behavior and is ideal for urban roads.Range Rover Sport is a fantastic car in which it was possible to combine the incompatible: overcoming huge distances in a sporty style, without losing comfort. It is much ahead of its competitors in off-road performance and at the same time takes a leading position in the conditions of the highway.

Fact about Eyes

Nov 14th @ 1:55am EST

1. Brown eyes are actually blue under the brown pigment. There is even a laser procedure that allows you to turn brown eyes into blue forever.2. The pupils of the eyes expand 45 percent when we look at the one we love.3. The cornea of &'&'the human eye is so similar to the cornea of &'&'a shark that the latter is used as a substitute for eye surgery.4. You cannot sneeze with your eyes open.5. Our eyes can discern about 500 shades of gray.6. Each eye contains 107 million cells, and they are all sensitive to light.7. Every 12th male is color blind.8. The human eye sees only three colors: red, blue and green. The remaining colors are a combination of these colors.9. The diameter of our eyes is about 2.5 cm and they weigh10. Of all the muscles in our body, the muscles that control our eyes are the most active.11. Your eyes will always remain the same size as at birth, and your ears and nose will not stop growing.12. Only 1/6 of the eyeball is visible.13. On average, throughout our life we &'&'see about 24 million different images.14. Your fingerprints have 40 unique characteristics, while the iris of the eye - 256. For this reason, retinal scanning is used for security purposes.15. People say "you will not have time to blink an eye", since this is the fastest muscle in the body. Blinking lasts about 100 - 150 milliseconds, and you can blink 5 times per second.16. The eyes process about 36,000 pieces of information every hour.17. Our eyes focus on about 50 things per second.18. Our eyes blink on average 17 times a minute, 14,280 times a day and 5.2 million times a year.19. The ideal duration of eye contact with the person you first met is 4 seconds. This is necessary to determine what his eye color is.but.

Guys ! This is my new dream. I want to visit this place. Great wall of China, China

Nov 12th @ 8:07pm EST

The great wall of China is one of the largest and most ancient monuments of architecture. Its length is almost 9 thousand kilometers-the size is really impressive. In addition, it is one of the most visited attractions in the world: every year there are about 40 million tourists.

Be sure to visit this place !!! Wai-o-Tapu geothermal Park, new Zealand

Nov 12th @ 1:14am EST

Wai-o-Tapu opened in 1931 and has remained a popular tourist destination ever since. They say that coming here, you will significantly improve your health. Here you can see colorful ponds (for example, champagne pond), mud pool and geyser, which in the morning begins to beat to a height of 20 meters.

Bali.. Summit. F4F

Nov 10th @ 7:40pm EST

While our winter begins in my city, I am going to warm my ass in Bali.Yes, I'm flying to Bali for the summit F4F.As soon as I get back I&'ll tell you allSo... you gonna miss me?)

places worth visiting !!! Lake Retba, Senegal

Nov 10th @ 1:10am EST

Lake Retba is located in the North-Eastern part of Dakar and is known for the unusual color of the water. The lake owes its color to algae, because of which the water acquires a rich color &'" from pale pink to scarlet. Also, the water has a high salt content, so you can stay afloat all the time, as in the Dead sea.

interesting to know ! Dacryphilia

Nov 9th @ 12:40am EST

Usually crying does not excite, but repels. But some people do have tears! As you might have guessed, dacrifilia is arousal in response to someone crying. Dacryphilia can also be associated with any strong emotions. It is important that dacrifilia is not sadism - the tears themselves cause excitement, and not the pain caused to make the person cry.

About love (writing not by me)

Nov 8th @ 1:13am EST

Undoubtedly-it is a mental illness. It is not transmitted either sexually or by airborne droplets. And yet... it's terribly contagious... anyone can get Sick: man or woman, married or single, young or old... Everything&'¦Symptoms: blows the roof... Especially in women: "Go to the forest, and I love him...". And men are ... different, right&'¦There's no escaping it. There are no vaccinations. But it is impossible to get sick intentionally.A woman in love... how beautiful she is ... Glows in the dark, walks without touching the ground... you can see her from afar. She's happy.Not everyone is sick of love. In most cases the immune system. But many think they are experts. Nonsense Frank bear. Talk about unrequited love, for example. There's no such thing. If the contagion doesn't stick, it's not contagion.Love makes people do crazy things. Often they lead to extremely negative consequences. And yet... I am sincerely sorry for those who were not ill&'¦

About Christmas

Nov 7th @ 3:54am EST

Christmas is coming soon, and this is one of my favorite holidays. Therefore, here are some great facts about Christmas.1. Christmas is one of the most important holidays of Christians. 2. The date of the holiday with the Orthodox: January 7. 3. Alexandrian theologians in 200 BC proposed to celebrate Christmas on May 26. This case is the first in history. 4. Since 320, the holiday began to be celebrated on December 25. 5. December 25th is the birthday of the sun. This date was associated with the celebration of Christmas. 6. The Catholic Church still adheres to the holiday date: December 25th. 7. The first Christians rejected the feast of Christmas, celebrating only the feast of the Epiphany and Easter. 8. The day of the week on Christmas is a day off. 9. On the day of the holiday it is customary to give each other gifts. 10. The first case of talent was noted in ancient Rome, where in honor of the festival of Saturnalia were given gifts. 11. The first holiday postcard was created by the Englishman Henry Cole in 1843. 12. In 1810, in the United States, the public first saw Santa Claus. 13. The Christmas reindeer was invented by Adman Robert May in 1939. 14. Christmas candles are a symbol of understanding your place in the world, as well as victory over darkness in the soul. 15. Initially, the spruce was set precisely for Christmas, and not for the New Year. 16. Fir - the tree of Christ. 17. Evergreen trees - a symbol of rebirth since pagan times. 18. The first artificial Christmas trees were made by the Germans. The material for them was the feathers of geese. 19. Initially, the trees were decorated with candles. 20. A bucket of water was always placed next to the tree in case of fire from the flame of candles. 21. Today, it is customary to decorate the Christmas tree with garlands. 22. Initially, the tree (paradise tree) was decorated with fruits and flowers. 23. In the Middle Ages, the Christmas tree began to be decorated with nuts, cones, sweets. 24. The first glass jewelry was created by the Saxon glassblowers. 25. The prototype of the first toy was a paradise apple. 26. In the middle of the 19th century, the mass production of colorful balloons began. 27. In December 2004, the largest Christmas stocking in history was made in the capital of England. 28. The length of the largest stocking was 33 meters and a width of 15 meters. 29. About 3 million Christmas cards are distributed in the United States annually. 30. Golden, green and red: traditional colors of the Christmas tree ornaments.

Christmas log (Belgium / France)

Nov 5th @ 7:37pm EST

This is an incredibly delicious roll made from chocolate biscuit and chocolate cream. Usually it is sprinkled with powdered sugar, which should symbolize snow.

Dallol, Ethiopia (most dangerous places)

Nov 4th @ 10:06pm EST

A ghost town in northern Ethiopia, Dallol is one of the most remote, base, and hottest places on Earth. The average annual temperature here is about 34.6 ° C, and this place was once the hottest settlement in the world. Groundwater in the area is extremely salty and acidic. In addition, near Dallol there are geysers that vaporize toxic gases into the air.


Oct 25th @ 11:35pm EDT

As we all know, London is the capital of Great Britain, the residence of the royal family and one of the most visited cities in the world. Many of us dream of travelling to London and today we will find some reasons why this city is must visit. Firstly, London is home to the world&'s most famous tourist attractions. They include the London Eye, the Madame Tussaud&'s museum, Big Ben, the Buckingham Palace, and many others. It will be amazing to finally see all these and many other famous locations of British capital you have read a lot about. Secondly, London theatre is a place you should definitely go to! Musicals, classical plays and completely modern extraordinary pieces of art you will be able to see on the same stage. Moreover, some famous actors you have seen only in movies play there, too. Thirdly, London has found a place for each cuisine of the world. In this city you can try Indian, Chinese or another exotic cuisine, visit a Michelin-starred exquisite restaurant or enjoy traditional fish-and-chips or afternoon tea with small treats in local cafes and restaurants. After a hearty meal, you might take your ease in one of London&'s gorgeous parks. There are eight incredible royal parks such as the famous Hyde Park. You can also get your wants and needs meet, visiting the Hampstead Health where you can get stunning views over the city as well. There are many reasons to visit London but only one is enough for grabbing your bag and passport and going to this beautiful and varied city!


Oct 22nd @ 12:46am EDT

I have a new very cool and hot photoshoot on the beach, hurry up to see:)

hey there again !

Oct 10th @ 1:22am EDT

«A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.»

Time for jokes

Sep 2nd @ 2:04am EDT

:) Did you know the first French fries weren't actually cooked in France? They were cooked in Greece.LOL:) A ham sandwich walks into a bar and orders a beer.The bartender says, "Sorry we dont serve food here.":) Im only familiar with 25 letters in the English language.I dont know why.:) CASHIER: "Would you like the milk in a bag, sir?"DAD: "No, just leave it in the carton!:) A termite walks into a bar and asks,"Is the bar tender here?":) Q: Can February March?A: No, but April May!:) Why did the invisible man turn down the job offer?He couldn't see himself doing it.

Love rules the World

Sep 1st @ 5:49pm EDT

We often lose loved ones stupidly, and put an end, not fully understood. And then it's too late to change anything. You have to love each other for who you are and learn to live like the last day, because someday it will really be the last.

I'm coming back

Aug 30th @ 4:51am EDT

Hi guys! I'm coming back from my mini vacation! I want to tell you so much! It was great!


Aug 27th @ 11:25pm EDT

To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that&'s all.

hi hi :)

Aug 22nd @ 3:30am EDT

Some people are poor, all they have is money.But really, it is not so important to have green bills in your pocket, as spiritual wealth.

Happiness (I liked the parable)

Aug 19th @ 5:10pm EDT

One day, three brothers saw Happiness sitting in a pit. One of the brothers went to the pit and asked Happiness for money. Happiness gave him money, and he left happy. Another brother asked a beautiful woman. He immediately received and ran away with her beside himself with happiness. The third brother leaned over the pit:- What do you need? - asked Happiness- And what do you need? - asked the brother.&'Get me out of here,&' Happiness asked.Brother extended his hand, pulled Happiness out of the pit, turned and walked away. And Happiness followed him ...

Fire And Rain

Aug 17th @ 4:06am EDT

Just yesterday morning they let me know you were goneSuzanne, the plans they made made put an end to youI walked out this morning and I wrote down this songI just can't remember who to send it toI've seen fire and I've seen rainI've seen sunny days that I thought would never endI've seen lonely times when I could not find a friendBut I always thought that I'd see you againWon't you look down upon me JesusYou got to help me make a standYou just got to see me through another dayMy body's achin' and my time is at handAnd I won't make it any other wayOh I've seen fire and I've seen rainI've seen sunny days that I thought would never endI've seen lonely times when I could not find a friendBut I always thought that I'd see you againBeen walkin' my mind to an easy timeMy back turned towards the sunLord knows when the cold wind blowsIt'll turn your head aroundWell, there's hours of time on the telephone lineTo talk about things to comeSweet dreams and flying machines in pieces on the groundOh, I've seen fire and I've seen rainI've seen sunny days that I thought would never endI've seen lonely times when I could not find a friendBut I always thought that I'd see you, baby, one more time againnowThought I'd see you one more time againThere's just a few things comin' my way this time around nowThought I'd see you, thought I'd see youFire and rain

Think about it

Aug 6th @ 8:16pm EDT

Two things make man godlike: life for the good of society and truthfulness."Pythagoras"

The human heart

Jul 6th @ 12:47am EDT

The human heart is a musical instrument, it contains great music. She is sleeping, but she is here, waiting for the right moment to catch fire, to be pronounced, to be sung, to be danced. And this moment arises through love. Without love, a person will never know what kind of music he carried in his heart.

Sherlock Holmes

Jun 8th @ 12:16am EDT

Everyone has heard of Sherlock Holmes. Everyone has read stories about Sherlock Holmes at one time or another. Sherlock Holmes was a famous detective. Actually, he was the most famous detective of all times.The author of the Sherlock Holmes stories was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.Once Sir Arthur arrived in Paris. He took a cab and asked the cabman to take him to the Ritz, the hotel where he was going to spend the night.The cabman brought him to the hotel. When he received the fare he said:&'Thank you very much, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.&'&'How do you know who I am?&' asked Sir Arthur. He was very much surprised.&'Well, sir, I read in the newspaper yesterday that you were coming to Paris from the South of France. I also noticed that your hair was cut by a barber in the South of France. Your clothes and especialy your hat told me that you were English. I put all the information together and quessed that you were Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.&'


May 18th @ 10:35pm EDT

Make a radical change in your lifestyle and begin to boldly do things which you may previously never have thought of doing, or been too hesitant to attempt. So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservation, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun. If you want to get more out of life, you must lose your inclination for monotonous security and adopt a helter-skelter style of life that will at first appear to you to be crazy. But once you become accustomed to such a life you will see its full meaning and its incredible beauty.


May 15th @ 6:13pm EDT

What does it mean to call something "classic"? At once, the term implies age or antiquity, but the word also implies the material is somehow valuable. It somehow shapes what comes in later time periods. When traditional literary scholars refer to classical literature, they usually mean that this literature is widely acknowledged as having outstanding or enduring qualities. Often, Shakespeare's King Lear is considered a classic of English literature and The Scarlet Letter in American literature. When scholars are speaking more specifically, however, the term classic is usually applied to the literature of the ancient world (Greek and Rome), especially between 1000 BCE and 410 CE. Literature written during this same interval in other cultures might be referred to as "Classical Hebrew" or "Classical Chinese" literature as well. You can download a PDF handout listing all the major periods of literary history in Western culture here, to see where the classical period fits in.For the purposes of this website, we currently limit ourselves to Classical China, Classical Greece, Classical Rome, and the Bible as literature. Some of these sections are still under construction!You can click below on the appropriate category that interests you. If the jargon becomes too thick, you can click on my list of Literary Terms to find useful definitions in alphabetical order.

At the Library

May 14th @ 9:41pm EDT

Libraries make an important part of the world culture. There is infinite number of books in the world. We can not buy all the books we like and would like to read. When we have to write a report on some subject or to learn in details about some phenomenon there is no other way out for us but to use a library.There are a lot of reading-halls: special halls for scientific reference work, for current periodicals, for music and art, for foreign languages, and others.I visited it several times but most often I take books from there.To enter the library one should have a reading card. A lot of people go to libraries on weekends.I like reading. What books do I like?I can not read one and the same sort of literature for a long time. I prefer to alternate short stories with the novels, love stories with books on history, poems with plays.


May 12th @ 11:42pm EDT

To go against the dominant thinking of your friends, of most of the people you see every day, is perhaps the most difficult act of heroism you can perform.

Two friends

May 11th @ 8:06pm EDT

Two friends meet. The first asks: &'Have you got a cigarette?&' &'No, I no longer buy them,&' answers the second. &'Why not?&' &'To stop your smoking&'.

Unusual request

May 10th @ 7:47pm EDT

Wandered around Tokyo and went to the Shinto temple of Inari Namioka. It turned out to be a small modest, but with a lot of items of unknown purpose. For some reason I was most interested in chanterelles in red aprons.- What is it and why? I ask our guide."I understand," the guide thought, it is not chanterelles &'" local deities of kitsune. And the Japanese are very superstitious and often these kitsune about something asked. This is done as follows: bring an offering to the temple and a red apron. Priest of kannushi transmits the request to the deity and puts on his apron. Apparently, there is something in this, as the temple has existed for almost 400 years, and look how many in the courtyard of the plaques.- Why don't the believers ask for it?- That request was heard, it takes years of spiritual practice. Well, and that did not ask anything bad.- What to ask?- Usually they asked for recovery from the disease, a good harvest of rice or a good catch of fish, but now they ask for all sorts of unusual things.Like what?- Listen, - our guide was quickened, - you were born in the Soviet Union, it will be interesting to you! I recently read in the newspaper that there was a very important gentleman from Russia. He offered a million dollars, and asked that the price of oil rose to at least $ 100 per barrel.And the priest?- Kannushi long thought and told the Lord that is faced with such a request for the first time, do not know whether it is acceptable, and therefore needs to consult with more knowledgeable people.- And what did the knowledgeable people decide?- Now this issue is considered by a special Commission of the Japanese Parliament. If the decision is positive, it will be approved at a joint meeting of both Chambers.


May 9th @ 8:36pm EDT

Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart


May 9th @ 12:39am EDT

Life is a storm that will test you unceasingly. Don&'t wait for calm waters that may not arrive. Derive purpose from resilience. Learn to sail the raging sea.

Being happy is very easy.

May 7th @ 10:49pm EDT

You can lie on the bridge and watch the water flow. Or run, or wander the swamp in red boots, or curl up a ball and listen to the rain knocking on the roof. Being happy is very easy.


May 6th @ 7:18pm EDT

If we were wondering about the color of the wind, the length of the scent or the length of the sea, we should not waste even a moment of our precious time trying to formulate an answer. But then, who assures us that it cannot be the same thing with the meaning of life?

worth of a man

May 5th @ 10:41pm EDT

You can calculate the worth of a man by the number of his enemies.


May 5th @ 10:40pm EDT

Remember you will not always win. Some days, the most resourceful individual will taste defeat. But there is, in this case, always tomorrow &'" after you have done your best to achieve success today.

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